Linux Commands

Discover a comprehensive guide to essential Linux commands! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, our page offers clear explanations and practical examples for mastering Linux command-line operations. Unlock the power of the terminal and enhance your Linux skills with our detailed tutorials on file management, process control, networking, and more. Start exploring now and become a command-line pro!


Linux commands are the instructions that are typed into the command line interface (CLI) to perform various tasks in a Linux operating system. The command line is a powerful and flexible way to interact with a Linux system, and allows users to do things that are not possible using the graphical user interface (GUI) alone.

Linux commands are often used by developers and system administrators to automate tasks, configure the system, and perform advanced operations. Some common Linux commands include ls for listing files, cd for changing directories, mkdir for creating directories, and rm for deleting files.

To learn more about Linux commands, you can read the manual pages for each command using the man command. For example, to view the manual page for the ls command, you would run man ls at the command prompt.


Curl Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use curl commmand.

rsync Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use rsync commmand.

scp Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use scp commmand.

scp Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use scp commmand.

tmux Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tmux commmand.

wget Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use wget commmand.

Linux screen Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use screen commmand in Linux. screen is a screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation

Linux w Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use w commmand in Linux. w command show who is logged on and what they are doing

Linux addpart Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use addpart commmand in Linux. addpart command is addpart - tell the kernel about the existence of a partition

Linux agetty Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use agetty commmand in Linux. agetty command is agetty - alternative Linux getty

Linux b2sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use b2sum commmand in Linux. b2sum command is b2sum - compute and check BLAKE2 message digest

Linux base32 Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use base32 commmand in Linux. base32 command is base32 - base32 encode/decode data and print to standard output

Linux base64 Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use base64 commmand in Linux. base64 command is base64 - base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output

Linux basename Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use basename commmand in Linux. basename command is basename - strip directory and suffix from filenames basename NAME [SUFFIX] basename OPTION… NAME…

Linux blkdiscard Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use blkdiscard commmand in Linux. blkdiscard command is blkdiscard - discard sectors on a device

Linux blkid Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use blkid commmand in Linux. blkid command is blkid - locate/print block device attributes blkid [–no-encoding –garbage-collect –list-one –cache-file file] [–output format] [–match-tag tag] [–match-token NAME=value] [device …] blkid has two main forms of operation: either searching for a device with a specific NAME=value pair, or displaying NAME=value pairs for one or more specified devices.

Linux blkzone Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use blkzone commmand in Linux. blkzone command is blkzone - run zone command on a device

Linux blockdev Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use blockdev commmand in Linux. blockdev command is blockdev - call block device ioctls from the command line

Linux cat Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use cat commmand in Linux. cat command is cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output

Linux cd Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use cd commmand in Linux. cd command change the current directory to dir

Linux chcon Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chcon commmand in Linux. chcon command is chcon - change file security context

Linux chcpu Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chcpu commmand in Linux. chcpu command is chcpu - configure CPUs

Linux chgrp Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chgrp commmand in Linux. chgrp command is chgrp - change group ownership

Linux chmem Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chmem commmand in Linux. chmem command is chmem - configure memory

Linux chmod Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chmod commmand in Linux. chmod command is chmod - change file mode bits

Linux choom Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use choom commmand in Linux. choom command is choom - display and adjust OOM-killer score.

Linux chown Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chown commmand in Linux. chown command is chown - change file owner and group

Linux chroot Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chroot commmand in Linux. chroot command is chroot - run command or interactive shell with special root directory

Linux chrt Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use chrt commmand in Linux. chrt command is chrt - manipulate the real-time attributes of a process

Linux comm Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use comm commmand in Linux. comm command is comm - compare two sorted files line by line

Linux cp Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use cp commmand in Linux. cp command is cp - copy files and directories

Linux csplit Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use csplit commmand in Linux. csplit command is csplit - split a file into sections determined by context lines

Linux ctrlaltdel Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ctrlaltdel commmand in Linux. ctrlaltdel command is ctrlaltdel - set the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination

Linux cut Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use cut commmand in Linux. cut command is cut - remove sections from each line of files

Linux date Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use date commmand in Linux. date command is date - print or set the system date and time

Linux dd Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use dd commmand in Linux. dd command is dd - convert and copy a file

Linux delpart Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use delpart commmand in Linux. delpart command is delpart - tell the kernel to forget about a partition

Linux df Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use df commmand in Linux. df command is df - report file system disk space usage

Linux dig Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use dig commmand in Linux. dig command is a flexible tool for interrogating DNS name servers. It performs DNS lookups and displays the answers that are returned from the name server(s) that were queried. Most DNS administrators use dig to troubleshoot DNS problems because of its flexibility, ease of use and clarity of output. Other lookup tools tend to have less functionality than dig.

Linux dir Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use dir commmand in Linux. dir command is dir - list directory contents

Linux dircolors Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use dircolors commmand in Linux. dircolors command is dircolors - color setup for ls

Linux dirname Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use dirname commmand in Linux. dirname command is dirname - strip last component from file name dirname [OPTION] NAME…

Linux dmesg Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use dmesg commmand in Linux. dmesg command is dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer

Linux du Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use du commmand in Linux. du command is du - estimate file space usage

Linux echo Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use echo commmand in Linux. echo command is echo - display a line of text

Linux env Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use env commmand in Linux. env command is env - run a program in a modified environment env [OPTION]… [-] [NAME=VALUE]… [COMMAND [ARG]…] Set each NAME to VALUE in the environment and run COMMAND. remove variable from the environment

Linux expand Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use expand commmand in Linux. expand command is expand - convert tabs to spaces

Linux expr Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use expr commmand in Linux. expr command is expr - evaluate expressions

Linux fallocate Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fallocate commmand in Linux. fallocate command is fallocate - preallocate or deallocate space to a file

Linux fdformat Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fdformat commmand in Linux. fdformat command is fdformat - low-level format a floppy disk

Linux fincore Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fincore commmand in Linux. fincore command is fincore - count pages of file contents in core

Linux findfs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use findfs commmand in Linux. findfs command is findfs - find a filesystem by label or UUID findfs NAME=value

Linux findmnt Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use findmnt commmand in Linux. findmnt command is findmnt - find a filesystem

Linux flock Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use flock commmand in Linux. flock command is flock - manage locks from shell scripts

Linux fmt Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fmt commmand in Linux. fmt command is fmt - simple optimal text formatter

Linux fold Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fold commmand in Linux. fold command is fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width

Linux fsck Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fsck commmand in Linux. fsck command is fsck - check and repair a Linux filesystem

Linux fsck.cramfs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fsck.cramfs commmand in Linux. fsck.cramfs command is fsck.cramfs - fsck compressed ROM file system

Linux fsck.minix Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fsck.minix commmand in Linux. fsck.minix command is fsck.minix - check consistency of Minix filesystem

Linux fsfreeze Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fsfreeze commmand in Linux. fsfreeze command is fsfreeze - suspend access to a filesystem (Ext3/4, ReiserFS, JFS, XFS)

Linux fstrim Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use fstrim commmand in Linux. fstrim command is fstrim - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem

Linux getopt Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use getopt commmand in Linux. getopt command is getopt - parse command options (enhanced)

Linux getty Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use getty commmand in Linux. getty command is agetty - alternative Linux getty

Linux head Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use head commmand in Linux. head command is head - output the first part of files

Linux host Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use host commmand in Linux. host command is a simple utility for performing DNS lookups. It is normally used to convert names to IP addresses and vice versa. When no arguments or options are given, host prints a short summary of its command line arguments and options.

Linux hostname Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use hostname commmand in Linux. Hostname is used to display the system’s DNS name, and to display or set its hostname or NIS domain name.

Linux hwclock Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use hwclock commmand in Linux. hwclock command is hwclock - time clocks utility

Linux i386 Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use i386 commmand in Linux. i386 command is

Linux id Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use id commmand in Linux. id command is id - print real and effective user and group IDs

Linux install Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use install commmand in Linux. install command is install - copy files and set attributes

Linux ionice Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ionice commmand in Linux. ionice command is ionice - set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority

Linux ipcmk Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ipcmk commmand in Linux. ipcmk command is ipcmk - make various IPC resources

Linux ipcrm Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ipcrm commmand in Linux. ipcrm command is ipcrm - remove certain IPC resources

Linux ipcs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ipcs commmand in Linux. ipcs command is ipcs - show information on IPC facilities

Linux isosize Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use isosize commmand in Linux. isosize command is isosize - output the length of an iso9660 filesystem

Linux join Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use join commmand in Linux. join command is join - join lines of two files on a common field

Linux last Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use last commmand in Linux. last command is last, lastb - show a listing of last logged in users

Linux lastb Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lastb commmand in Linux. lastb command is last, lastb - show a listing of last logged in users

Linux ldattach Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ldattach commmand in Linux. ldattach command is ldattach - attach a line discipline to a serial line

Linux linux32 Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use linux32 commmand in Linux. linux32 command is

Linux linux64 Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use linux64 commmand in Linux. linux64 command is

Linux ln Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ln commmand in Linux. ln command is ln - make links between files ln [OPTION]… [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME ln [OPTION]… TARGET

Linux ls Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ls commmand in Linux. ls command is ls - list directory contents

Linux lsblk Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lsblk commmand in Linux. lsblk command is lsblk - list block devices

Linux lscpu Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lscpu commmand in Linux. lscpu command is lscpu - display information about the CPU architecture

Linux lsipc Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lsipc commmand in Linux. lsipc command is lsipc - show information on IPC facilities currently employed in the system

Linux lslocks Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lslocks commmand in Linux. lslocks command is lslocks - list local system locks

Linux lslogins Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lslogins commmand in Linux. lslogins command is lslogins - display information about known users in the system

Linux lsmem Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lsmem commmand in Linux. lsmem command is lsmem - list the ranges of available memory with their online status

Linux lsns Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use lsns commmand in Linux. lsns command is lsns - list namespaces

Linux mcookie Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mcookie commmand in Linux. mcookie command is mcookie - generate magic cookies for xauth

Linux md5sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use md5sum commmand in Linux. md5sum command is md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest

Linux md5sum.textutils Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use md5sum.textutils commmand in Linux. md5sum.textutils command is

Linux mesg Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mesg commmand in Linux. mesg command is mesg - display (or do not display) messages from other users

Linux mkdir Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkdir commmand in Linux. mkdir command is mkdir - make directories

Linux mkfifo Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkfifo commmand in Linux. mkfifo command is mkfifo - make FIFOs (named pipes) mkfifo [OPTION]… NAME…

Linux mkfs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkfs commmand in Linux. mkfs command is mkfs - build a Linux filesystem

Linux mkfs.bfs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkfs.bfs commmand in Linux. mkfs.bfs command is mkfs.bfs - make an SCO bfs filesystem

Linux mkfs.cramfs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkfs.cramfs commmand in Linux. mkfs.cramfs command is mkfs.cramfs - make compressed ROM file system

Linux mkfs.minix Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkfs.minix commmand in Linux. mkfs.minix command is mkfs.minix - make a Minix filesystem

Linux mknod Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mknod commmand in Linux. mknod command is mknod - make block or character special files mknod [OPTION]… NAME TYPE [MAJOR MINOR]

Linux mkswap Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mkswap commmand in Linux. mkswap command is mkswap - set up a Linux swap area

Linux mktemp Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mktemp commmand in Linux. mktemp command is mktemp - create a temporary file or directory

Linux more Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use more commmand in Linux. more command is more - file perusal filter for crt viewing

Linux mountpoint Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mountpoint commmand in Linux. mountpoint command is mountpoint - see if a directory or file is a mountpoint

Linux mv Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use mv commmand in Linux. mv command is mv - move (rename) files

Linux namei Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use namei commmand in Linux. namei command is namei - follow a pathname until a terminal point is found

Linux nice Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use nice commmand in Linux. nice command is nice - run a program with modified scheduling priority

Linux nl Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use nl commmand in Linux. nl command is nl - number lines of files

Linux nohup Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use nohup commmand in Linux. nohup command is nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

Linux nproc Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use nproc commmand in Linux. nproc command is nproc - print the number of processing units available

Linux nsenter Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use nsenter commmand in Linux. nsenter command is nsenter - run program with namespaces of other processes

Linux numfmt Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use numfmt commmand in Linux. numfmt command is numfmt - Convert numbers from/to human-readable strings

Linux od Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use od commmand in Linux. od command is od - dump files in octal and other formats

Linux partx Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use partx commmand in Linux. partx command is partx - tell the kernel about the presence and numbering of on-disk partitions

Linux paste Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use paste commmand in Linux. paste command is paste - merge lines of files

Linux pathchk Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use pathchk commmand in Linux. pathchk command is pathchk - check whether file names are valid or portable pathchk [OPTION]… NAME…

Linux pinky Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use pinky commmand in Linux. pinky command is pinky - lightweight finger

Linux pivot_root Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use pivot_root commmand in Linux. pivot_root command is pivot_root - change the root filesystem

Linux pr Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use pr commmand in Linux. pr command is pr - convert text files for printing

Linux printenv Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use printenv commmand in Linux. printenv command is printenv - print all or part of environment

Linux printf Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use printf commmand in Linux. printf command is printf - format and print data

Linux prlimit Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use prlimit commmand in Linux. prlimit command is prlimit - get and set process resource limits

Linux ptx Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use ptx commmand in Linux. ptx command is ptx - produce a permuted index of file contents

Linux pwd Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use pwd commmand in Linux. pwd command is pwd - print name of current/working directory

Linux raw Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use raw commmand in Linux. raw command is raw - bind a Linux raw character device

Linux readlink Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use readlink commmand in Linux. readlink command is readlink - print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names

Linux readprofile Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use readprofile commmand in Linux. readprofile command is readprofile - read kernel profiling information

Linux realpath Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use realpath commmand in Linux. realpath command is realpath - print the resolved path

Linux reboot Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use reboot commmand in Linux. reboot command allow us to do stopping and restarting the system

Linux rename.ul Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use rename.ul commmand in Linux. rename.ul command is

Linux resizepart Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use resizepart commmand in Linux. resizepart command is resizepart - tell the kernel about the new size of a partition

Linux rev Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use rev commmand in Linux. rev command is rev - reverse lines characterwise

Linux rm Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use rm commmand in Linux. rm command is rm - remove files or directories

Linux rmdir Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use rmdir commmand in Linux. rmdir command is rmdir - remove empty directories

Linux rtcwake Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use rtcwake commmand in Linux. rtcwake command is rtcwake - enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time

Linux runcon Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use runcon commmand in Linux. runcon command is runcon - run command with specified security context

Linux runuser Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use runuser commmand in Linux. runuser command is runuser - run a command with substitute user and group ID For backward compatibility, runuser defaults to not change the current directory and to only set the environment variables HOME and SHELL (plus USER and LOGNAME if the target user is not root). This version of runuser uses PAM for session management.

Linux seq Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use seq commmand in Linux. seq command is seq - print a sequence of numbers

Linux setarch Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use setarch commmand in Linux. setarch command is setarch - change reported architecture in new program environment and/or set personality flags

Linux setpriv Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use setpriv commmand in Linux. setpriv command is setpriv - run a program with different Linux privilege settings

Linux setsid Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use setsid commmand in Linux. setsid command is setsid - run a program in a new session

Linux setterm Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use setterm commmand in Linux. setterm command is setterm - set terminal attributes

Linux sha1sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sha1sum commmand in Linux. sha1sum command is sha1sum - compute and check SHA1 message digest

Linux sha224sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sha224sum commmand in Linux. sha224sum command is sha224sum - compute and check SHA224 message digest

Linux sha256sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sha256sum commmand in Linux. sha256sum command is sha256sum - compute and check SHA256 message digest

Linux sha384sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sha384sum commmand in Linux. sha384sum command is sha384sum - compute and check SHA384 message digest

Linux sha512sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sha512sum commmand in Linux. sha512sum command is sha512sum - compute and check SHA512 message digest

Linux shred Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use shred commmand in Linux. shred command is shred - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it

Linux shuf Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use shuf commmand in Linux. shuf command is shuf - generate random permutations

Linux sort Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sort commmand in Linux. sort command is sort - sort lines of text files

Linux split Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use split commmand in Linux. split command is split - split a file into pieces

Linux stat Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use stat commmand in Linux. stat command is stat - display file or file system status

Linux stdbuf Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use stdbuf commmand in Linux. stdbuf command is stdbuf - Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams.

Linux stty Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use stty commmand in Linux. stty command is stty - change and print terminal line settings

Linux su Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use su commmand in Linux. su command is su - run a command with substitute user and group ID For backward compatibility, su defaults to not change the current directory and to only set the environment variables HOME and SHELL (plus USER and LOGNAME if the target user is not root). It is

Linux sulogin Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sulogin commmand in Linux. sulogin command is sulogin - single-user login

Linux sum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sum commmand in Linux. sum command is sum - checksum and count the blocks in a file

Linux swaplabel Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use swaplabel commmand in Linux. swaplabel command is swaplabel - print or change the label or UUID of a swap area

Linux switch_root Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use switch_root commmand in Linux. switch_root command is switch_root - switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount tree

Linux sync Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sync commmand in Linux. sync command is sync - Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage

Linux tac Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tac commmand in Linux. tac command is tac - concatenate and print files in reverse

Linux tail Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tail commmand in Linux. tail command is tail - output the last part of files

Linux taskset Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use taskset commmand in Linux. taskset command is taskset - set or retrieve a process’s CPU affinity

Linux tee Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tee commmand in Linux. tee command is tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files

Linux test Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use test commmand in Linux. test command is test - check file types and compare values

Linux timeout Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use timeout commmand in Linux. timeout command is timeout - run a command with a time limit

Linux touch Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use touch commmand in Linux. touch command is touch - change file timestamps

Linux tr Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tr commmand in Linux. tr command is tr - translate or delete characters

Linux truncate Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use truncate commmand in Linux. truncate command is truncate - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size

Linux tsort Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tsort commmand in Linux. tsort command is tsort - perform topological sort

Linux tty Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use tty commmand in Linux. tty command is tty - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input

Linux uname Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use uname commmand in Linux. uname command is uname - print system information

Linux unexpand Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use unexpand commmand in Linux. unexpand command is unexpand - convert spaces to tabs

Linux uniq Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use uniq commmand in Linux. uniq command is uniq - report or omit repeated lines

Linux unlink Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use unlink commmand in Linux. unlink command is unlink - call the unlink function to remove the specified file

Linux unshare Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use unshare commmand in Linux. unshare command is unshare - run program with some namespaces unshared from parent

Linux utmpdump Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use utmpdump commmand in Linux. utmpdump command is utmpdump - dump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format

Linux vdir Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use vdir commmand in Linux. vdir command is vdir - list directory contents

Linux wc Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use wc commmand in Linux. wc command is wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file

Linux wdctl Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use wdctl commmand in Linux. wdctl command is wdctl - show hardware watchdog status

Linux whereis Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use whereis commmand in Linux. whereis command is whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command

Linux who Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use who commmand in Linux. who command is who - show who is logged on

Linux wipefs Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use wipefs commmand in Linux. wipefs command is wipefs - wipe a signature from a device

Linux x86_64 Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use x86_64 commmand in Linux. x86_64 command is

Linux yes Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use yes commmand in Linux. yes command is yes - output a string repeatedly until killed

Linux sleep Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use sleep command in Linux. Sleep command can be used to provide delay between two commands invocations.

Linux users Command

How to show the current user in Linux? we can use users command in Linux that will provide the information written in utmp file.

Linux true Command

In this tutorial we will learn how to use true command in Linux. We’ll also learn the common usage of true in shell script.

Linux logname Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use logname command in Linux. The logname command print current user login name.

Linux link command

Linux hostid Command

In this tutorial we will learn how to use hostid command in linux. hostid command print numeric identifier of current host.

Linux cksum Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use cksum command in Linux. cksum command will print the checksum and byte size of a file.

Linux groups Command

n this tutorial we learn how to use groups command in Linux. groups command print the groups a user is in. This command is similar to id command for groups.

Linux false Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use false command in Linux. false command is a command that do nothing, unsuccessfully.

Linux arch Command

In this tutorial we learn how to use arch command in Linux. Arch command will show Linux system / machine platform or architecture.

Linux factor Command

factor command in linux print the prime factors of each specified integer number. If none are specified on the command line, factor command will read them from standard input.

Linux whoami Command

In this tutorial we will learn how to use whoami command in Linux. whoami is a command which the user name associated with the current effective user ID. This command similar to running id command with -un option.