How To Install Zoom on CentOS


In this tutorial we will learn how to install zoom on CentOS.

Zoom is a video conferencing, web conferencing and webinars software that enable people to do meeting, class and seminars online.

Zoom popularity highly increased when covid-19 pandemic start around march 2020.

This tutorial tested in CentOS 6, CentOS 7 and CentOS 8.

You should be able to follow this tutorial in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux and also Fedora Linux with no changes or minimum changes.

Download and Import Zoom GPG Key

Zoom rpm packages is being signed with GPG key. To avoid missing signing key by package management we need to download and import Zoom’s GPG key

To download Zoom’s GPG key we can use command below.

wget -c

or if wget is not available on your system you can use command below.

curl -o pubkey

To import GPG key we can use command below

rpm --import pubkey

Zoom have different rpm package for CentOS 6 and for CentOS 7 / CentOS 8. We will learn how to install them separately

Install Zoom on CentOS 6

Download Zoom Installer Package

wget -c

Install Zoom

sudo yum localinstall zoom-1_x86_64.rpm

Enter y to continue the installation process

Install Zoom on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8

Download Zoom Installer Package

wget -c

Install Zoom RPM package

sudo yum localinstall zoom_x86_64.rpm

Show Installed Zoom Package

To show the details about zoom rpm package that we just install we can run the command below.

rpm -qi zoom

The output should be similar to output below

install zoom centos - show zoom rpm package detail

Running Zoom on CentOS

To run zoom you can use command below.


Uninstall Zoom on CentOS

If you need to uninstall zoom from your system, you can run the following command.

sudo yum remove zoom

You can use the command above to uninstall zoom on both 32-bit and 64-bit system.


In this tutorial we learn how to install Zoom on CentOS. We learn to install different rpm package for CentOS 6 and for CentOS 7 / 8.

We also learn how to show the detail of zoom rpm package and how to uninstall zoom from CentOS.